Broken Arrow Youth Baseball Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Join BAYB in supporting less fortunate children in other Countries


We will be donating gloves, bats and batting helmets that have not been claimed from lost and found to Gloves for God. Please read below and if you have any equipment you would like to daonate please bring it to the office and we'll see that it gets to a child that needs it:

This ministry was born in the Dominican Republic in 2005 due to such a need there for baseball glove repair.  Our goal had been to reach kids for God’s kingdom through baseball games and baseball players.  Glove repair became a great addition there and back here in America is catching on possibly as a nation wide ministry.  We realize that baseball glove needs are not very important in the great scheme of things kids need; it is simply a bridge that we pray God will use to bring kids to Him.

      We collect gloves here to repair to take to the Dominican Republic and in the future to other such poor countries in need of hearing the Gospel.  We do many gloves free for individuals if they will donate a used glove for us to take.  However, the materials and tools do cost a little so when we went to eBay, we started charging a little for the services with the proceeds going to pay for these needs.  And we give a real good deal to those who donate a glove.  We do have the expense of getting teams and the gloves to the Dominican Republic so we hope the Gloves4God Ministry will create enough interest to provide gloves, equipment, supplies, and money for the trips. 

     The glove repair right now does not generate a lot of cash for the trips (it may in the near future due to some partnerships God has sent us with 2 glove manufacturers).  We also ask each team member to send out letters to ask for prayer and/or financial support as God leads each of us.  We pray that you will join us in offering our time, talent, resources and efforts to be used of God.

    If you have any equipment you would like to donate please bring to the baseball office and we will get it to a child that needs it.

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