Q.  What is the fee to participate in Broken Arrow Youth Baseball 

A. Registration Fees for each season:


 T-BALL 3&4 / $120 
 5U-8U $150 
 9U-12U $180 
 13U/14U & HIGH SCHOOL $180 


$90 COACH PITCH: 3&4 t-ball/5U/6U/7U/8U 
$110 KID PITCH: 9U/10U/11U/12U 
 $130: 13U-18U 


 $90 COACH PITCH: 3&4 t-ball/5U/6U/7U/8U 
 $110 KID PITCH: 9U/10U/11U/12U $130: 13U-18U 

Q.  What equipment will my player need?

A.  ALL PLAYERS need their OWN bat, glove, helmet, cleats.  


Q.  How do I become a coach at BAYB?


Q. Will there be a Fundraiser? 


   Q. What is TIGER Ball? 

A. Tiger Ball is for players 5 & 6 years old. It is a combination of T-ball and Coach Pitch. The Batter shall get 5 swings to hit the ball. The first 3 balls must be pitched by the Coach. If the Batter is not successful in those attempts, they have the option on the last 2 pitches to continue Coach Pitch or switch to hit from a T. This program is designed to fit all skill levels of children in this age group. 

Q. How do I register for Baseball? 


 Q. What is required to sign up for Baseball? 

 A. If your child has not participated with BAYB in the past, you will need to provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate. Please email your birth certificate &/or player grade documentation (if applicable) to bayouthbaseball.rec@windstream.net All grade-based players must have a copy of their birth certificate, current report card, or official school ID with grade, or any official government document stating the grade. AGE/GRADE ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION CLICK HERE 

Q. What do I do after I sign up for baseball?

 A. If the player is a new player that is not returning to, or being protected by a team, your child will be assigned to a team in random order. All players who sign up with BAYB will be placed on a team. Your coach will contact you in early March to tell you where you have been scheduled to practice and your practice times. ALL PLAYERS & COACHES ARE REGISTERED UNASSIGNED UNTIL LEAGUE CREATES TEAMS. 

 Q. My child participated last year, does he/she automatically return to the same team? 

 A. Yes, unless you or the coach wish to place your child back into the draft. ALL PLAYERS & COACHES ARE REGISTERED UNASSIGNED UNTIL LEAGUE CREATES TEAMS. 

Q. What do I need to do if I don’t want my child to return to the same team?

A. When you register your child, please indicate that you wish to return to the draft in the Special Request section of the registration form. 

Q. Where will the practices be held? 

 A. Every team practices at different times and locations. Attempts are made by the office at BAYB to assign teams a practice field, however, we do not have enough field space for every team. BAYB is told which schools have practice areas and which days those fields are available to our participants. Practice areas are throughout Broken Arrow. Most practice areas will not have a backstop present. Your 

Q. When are the games and game times? 

 A. The Spring Season will have games scheduled from late March to the End of June. Games may be played on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday for ages 5U-18U. Games are not scheduled on Wednesdays or Sundays unless they are make-up games from Rain-outs. Your team may be scheduled to play 2 games per week. Every effort is made to split the early and late game times evenly amongst the teams. 3 & 4-YEAR-OLD T-ball will play on FRIDAY NIGHTS but for other age groups game days will not be determined until after registration for Spring is complete and field usage is assessed. 

 2 Game Slots per night 

6:15 & 7:30- 3&4 t-ball  5U 6U 

 6:15 & 7:45-7U 8U 

6:15 & 8:00- 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15-18  

Q. Who attends the draft night meetings for Spring Baseball? 

 A. Draft night/coach meeting is for the Head Coach & Assistant Coaches. Players do not attend. This meeting is mandatory for all teams playing in the league, regardless of the status of your roster. OFFICIAL RULES OF BROKEN ARROW YOUTH BASEBALL RECREATIONAL LEAGUE (19) Managers shall attend the preseason coaches meeting or designate a team representative to attend. Failure to attend may result in fines, forfeiture of games, or suspension as determined by BAYB. The initial minimum fine is set at $200. 

 Q. What about uniforms? 

 A. The fee for 3&4 T-ball includes their game T-shirt. Most teams prefer to go to a sporting goods store and purchase matching pull-up pants and belts/socks to complete the uniform. For players 5 years old and up, each team is responsible for their uniforms. These can range from $40 to $100 depending on what the parents decide they want. Some teams will conduct a fundraiser to pay for the uniforms, some will get donations or sponsorships and some will ask the parents to kick in an extra amount. This is something that the team should decide on as a group. 

Q. Does it cost to attend my child’s game?

 A. NO. BAYB does not charge a gate admission for League Games. A TEAM GATE FEE IS ONLY FOR USSSA TOURNAMENTS 

 Q. Why does our team have to pay Tournament Entry Fees and Gate Admissions to Tournaments? 

 A. Tournament games are EXTRA games that are not formulated into the League Fees. They are optional and by your team entering a tournament, they are opting to play more games, thus a fee for that. BAYB has costs for hosting a tournament, additional man hours, additional umpire pay, additional field usage payments, and trophy costs. Thus when a team opts to play in one of our USSSA-sanctioned tournaments, we must charge the fees to subsidize the cost to play.  

Q. What if it is raining outside on our game day? 

 A. Broken Arrow Youth Baseball does not decide on canceling games until 4 p.m. It is our policy to play games if at all possible. 

 Q. Are pets allowed at the Ballpark? 

 A. NO. Pets of any size or breed are NOT allowed at the Indian Springs Baseball Complex. This is a City Ordinance that BAYB strongly upholds. If you are found at the ballpark with a pet, you will be asked to leave the playing area. This is for the safety of the players, fans, and your pet. Please do not bring pets to the ballpark. Service Dogs are allowed. The Department of Justice published revised final regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for Title II (State and local government services) and Title III (public accommodations and commercial facilities) on September 15, 2010, in the Federal Register. These requirements, or rules, clarify and refine issues that have arisen over the past 20 years and contain new, and updated, requirements, including the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design (2010 Standards). Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. 

 Q. Are Coolers or Ice Chests allowed at the ballpark? 

 A. NO. There are concession stands at the ballpark and the revenue generated from those stands assists the program in attempting to keep the costs lower for registrations. If your team wants to provide snacks for your players, you can either purchase those snacks from the concession stands or pass out the snacks in the parking lot area. BAYB will allow players to bring individual bottles of beverages such as water or Gatorade. Large team water jugs are also permitted. Ice Chests with cold rags ONLY are also allowed, but be prepared to have these ice chests checked by BAYB Staff or Board Members. 

 Q. Is Smoking allowed at the ballpark? 

 A. The City of Broken Arrow has adopted the BAYB Smoking Area policy. The smoking areas at the ballpark are designated anywhere in the outfield fence line between the foul poles. Smoking is prohibited in the fenced ballpark area. Please do not stand in front of the open fence entrance areas but move out of the main walking areas. 

 Q. What do I do in case of an emergency? 

 A. If there is a serious emergency, always call 911 first, THEN GO DIRECTLY TO THE CONCESSION STAND AND ASK FOR A BOARD MEMBER. Board members on duty as well as the concession stands are equipped with minor first aid supplies. BAYB is also very fortunate to have 2 AED Defibrillator machines that were donated to our program from various organizations. If you have an emergency at the ballpark, look for a board member on duty (usually on a golf cart) or go to the nearest concession stand to have a board member radioed. Ice is always available in the concession stands for injuries. 

 Q. How is the BAYB program run? 

 A. BAYB is a Not-For-Profit 501 3-C Corporation. The League is operated by Board Members who are ALL Volunteers. These men and women volunteer between 10 and 20 hours a week to run the BAYB League. BAYB's full-time Operations Manager is responsible for the daily office needs, all league business, and operations of the concession stands. BAYB also has a full-time Park Manager who is responsible for the daily upkeep of the park, preparations made daily to fields for games, and general park maintenance that is not covered by the City of Broken Arrow. Every day that games are played at the ballpark there is a board member on duty. These board members are here to assist you with any questions, needs, or emergencies that may occur at the ballpark. Secondly, the Coaches, Team Moms, and Managers are also volunteers who wish to teach your child the fundamentals of baseball and promote youth sports. They are in the BAYB program to make a difference for your child. 

 Q. What if I have a problem? 

 A. Broken Arrow has a chain of communication that we prefer parents to use in this case. First, attempt to settle any problems you may have with your Manager or Coaches. If this does not work, contact the player rep (see link for “Executive”). If this doesn't work, contact the area coordinator for your age group. If you are still having problems, notify the office and they will put you in contact with someone who can help. A list of all these people is on the “Executive” page. If you are at the fields GO TO THE CONCESSION STANDS AND REQUEST A BOARD MEMBER. There are always 2 on duty during games. 

 Q. Where do the registration fees go? 

A. Registration fees are used to buy player Insurance, trophies, background checks, pay umpires, pay for field maintenance and supplies, pay National Registration Fees, pay field usage fees to the City of Broken Arrow, pay for office expenses, and the younger age uniforms among other things. Fees are increased with the age of the player because as the player gets older, the cost to play is higher. Umpire costs and field maintenance costs for the younger players are less so they are charged less. As they get older, their fee increases to cover the increased cost. 

 Q. What can I do to assist BAYB? 

 A. The biggest issue that BAYB faces is minor acts of Vandalism. Pick up your trash in the dugouts, stands, and parking lot, please always monitor your children while at the ballpark. Please read our Code of Conduct paperwork. Teach your child good sportsmanship. Assist your child’s Coach/Team in any way you can. Take an active role in your child’s sports. Be a good spectator. 

WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO! Broken Arrow Youth Baseball (BAYB) is a 501 C-3 Not-For-Profit Organization comprised of over 450 members annually. We are dedicated to promoting, developing, sustaining, and supervising a youth baseball program. BAYB has served Broken Arrow and surrounding communities youth since 1972. 

 The mission of BAYB is to enhance our community by teaching through baseball; the values of teamwork, sportsmanship, safety, and other characteristics of moral citizenship, and by fostering the growth of our community’s greatest assets, our youth. We will promote, develop, sustain, and supervise a youth baseball program, to develop core values (character, respect, and leadership) and fitness in our youth. BAYB accepts all children both boys and girls from the ages of 3 yrs. old to 18 yrs. old. 

 Annually (or every 2 years for some positions) our members elect a core group of men and women that make up the Board of Broken Arrow Youth Baseball. The board must ensure that the program stays to the objectives set out by the BAYB members as stated in the By-laws and Rules. These board members are all volunteers and are accountable to the general membership of BAYB. They serve 10 to 20 hours per week to fulfill duties needed by the organization including but not limited to scheduling, re-scheduling games, and dealing with issues raised by coaches and/or parents, or players within the organization. They attend monthly board meetings to discuss issues facing the organization, make decisions on the best way to move the program forward, and serve on committees to handle topics such as Concession Stands, Tournaments, Field Maintenance, etc. 

The Office Staff at BAYB consists of 1 full-time employee, the Operations Manager, to handle the day-to-day operations of the organization. 

Contact information for the BAYB personnel is under the Contact Us tab on our website. If you need to contact a board member during the day, please send them an email. The Staff at BAYB can be contacted during normal business hours with any questions you might have. 

BAYB enters into agreements with the City of Broken Arrow for the use of the City-owned Park complex. We have a good working relationship with the City and appreciate their assistance and efforts at the park. The City of BA maintains the structures (buildings, fences, lights, bleachers, etc.) and real property (mow outfields, right of ways, plumbing, electrical, fertilize, etc.) while BAYB is responsible for field maintenance from the infield dirt in. We pay the City as part of these agreements, as all sports do. As with any business, we have other expenses, umpires, insurance, communications, labor, equipment maintenance, etc. All of these expenses are covered by the various programs we conduct (league play, tournaments, fundraising, National tournaments, etc.). Without the contributions of each program, the cost of playing baseball would be much higher. We strive to balance these costs and find ways to keep our costs down. 

We at BAYB are proud of the work we do and our organization. We are excited about the changes that we hope to make to improve our programs. Our ultimate goal is to keep kids playing a great sport that promotes good overall health and values to assist them in becoming good citizens. Numerous studies cite the community benefits of youth sports and our members are proud of our role in the community. We would love for every player within our program to continue playing baseball well into their adulthood and that they take away much more from playing than they realize. Call us at (918)455-BAYB for more information and if you are interested in joining our membership.